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Get Inspired to Take the Leap

What Clients Have Said


Before working with Erin, I was working hard on myself but I had stalled doing what I was doing - focusing on improving my habits, trying to motivate & will myself to change, continuing to deny & run from my emotions so I could feel safe. I was looking for answers & for help.

I didn’t believe there was a man inside of me that could meet my own needs, I couldn’t even admit that my needs mattered at all. I had to discover that all the things I ever needed or wanted I could give to myself. It’s big, it’s important, & it’s true.

I discovered there exists within me many 'dark shadows' that cling desperately to limiting beliefs, telling me I have to live up to others' expectations to be accepted, that I need to be less than my authentic self to, be loved and to receive approval. The 'shadows' constructed a personality out of a projection of what I thought the world wanted to see.

Erin’s program gave me a spotlight, and when I shine it at that shadow, it reveals a scared child who is just doing what he was taught to do, living the messages he received a long time ago and identified with seeking love.

And I began to understand that he doesn’t need to be defeated, he needs my compassion, love, and acceptance.

I am finally beginning to love myself, to feel more complete by welcoming the sadness & shame that I’ve been running from, supporting myself by offering to meet my own needs without judgement, surrendering to the deeper knowing that I am capable, I matter, I am worthy - that’s trusting myself. It’s new, it’s powerful, it’s scary, & it matters. I’m in touch with who I am and I love this person. I am showing up as a better man every day, thanks to Erin and thanks to myself.

Anthony Giannetti


Before we started working together, I felt lost & disconnected from myself. I felt like I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted. All I knew was I didn’t want to feel that way anymore.

Something needed to change. I had just had a baby & was dealing with postpartum depression.

I originally sought out traditional therapy & dreaded every session. We just talked about surface things. And when I tried to talk about deeper issues, the therapist put a nice bow on it within 20 minutes & I felt no different.

I find it almost impossible to express how much & to the extent things have moved & shifted for me. I now understand some of my greatest needs & desires & prioritize me. I know that I am enough as I am. I do enough.

I actively focus on self-care & practice joy & gratefulness daily. I am less obsessed with getting all the things done & consciously practice releasing control.

I can better tune into my emotions & understand how to productively express them. I communicate better with others & without exception.

All of this has allowed me to show up better for my husband, daughter, family, & most importantly, for myself. Today, I have me.

I now realize that this is a journey to self-love, self-trust, self-awareness, & self-confidence. Working with you has provided me with so many tools that I keep in my toolbox & apply daily. THANK YOU.

Melissa Politi


Before I started working with Erin, I was struggling with feeling like I was enough, I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin or believe in myself, I judged myself harshly & thought too much about what other people might think.

I was living in my anxious mind. The anxiety wouldn’t come and go, it would stay, haunting my thoughts and freezing me. I started to feel discouraged about my abilities to perform in my roles & I questioned how I could actually move forward successfully.

Today, I finally feel FREE to BE me!

I feel and see my life better than I have before. I trust & have more patience with myself. I have been speaking up and am present in everything that I do. The anxiety faded away as I am now able to be more present in my moments and pay attention to what I have in front of me, rather than living in my head with thoughts from my ego bouncing around loudly.

I am able to feel the strength of my power, and this has allowed me to speak more truth than I ever thought I could. I am prioritizing & taking care of my needs. I am now able to know how to ask myself what I need and not only find the answer, but also give it to myself.

I now know that I am enough. I am no longer in fear of what I do not know. I feel more of who I am and I am proud of myself.

Your purpose has changed my life. Thank you for acknowledging and living in your purpose, Erin.

Sara Victor


My word for the year is TRUST. Trust in myself. For myself. With others. With the Universe. With God. I am being patient with myself and TRUSTING that I am where I need to be.

The amount of compassion and love I have felt and feel for myself and others this year has been something I never knew was possible and this is just the beginning.

Thank YOU. For your work & support. For being the vessel of love, healing, guidance and compassion you gave me this year. With your work, I’ve learned tools with how to notice, acknowledge, and feel feelings, connect deeper with my inner Sammy, see my true self & make the choice to live and act in alignment with my highest self rather than allowing my hurt and scared little boy to guide my actions.

I wanted to think I could just keep chugging through the muck. But, I quickly realized how much pain was underneath the desire to continue to push & forge through. I knew I was truly ready to unearth this part of me. The shadow. The ego. The inner Sammy. The parts I for so long have denied, judged, suppressed and hated.

With the help of your work, I have found an understanding, a sense of compassion and even love for these parts of ME. The parts of me that once served me. The parts of me that I NEVER wanted to associate with.


Most importantly, I am learning to love ALL of myself on such a deep level and learning to give Sammy and me what we need. Your work has had such a powerful impact on my life, and I am forever grateful.

Sam Zeff


My experience working with Erin has radically changed my life!!

She helped me see, feel, and learn how to reconnect with my soul, enabling me to step into my own Divine Power.

Erin stayed completely committed to helping me every step of the way as I dug up years and years of suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs about myself.

Through our work, I was able to set healthy boundaries, see my situation from a new perspective, and feel very empowered & confident in my own divine self.

Looking back now, I can say that Erin’s coaching container was the catalyst for the major changes in my life that have since transpired.

Erin stayed committed to my work as well as myself!! I am beyond grateful for meeting her.

Thank you Erin for this Amazing Journey & for all of your guidance!!

Cyndee Freeman


Before working with Erin, I was already waist deep in my healing work with the ManKindProject, a community of men dedicated to supporting each other's healing from past wounds & trauma. When I met her, I knew in my heart that I was ready & open for more.

Erin’s coaching container has been absolutely magnificent at transforming my life.

She helped me to let go of deep-rooted daily anxieties that were stopping me from stepping into my power and embracing and being all my authentic self.

I find myself now laughing more at work, with family, and friends and am overwhelmingly more at ease with day-to-day life.

Also, I seem, now more than ever, to be attracting more and more of the right interactions with the right people.

In addition, I have rekindled a passion I have had since I was a child and with her help, worked through the major internal obstacles stopping me from following my true passion & heart's deepest desires.


Eric Szurek


Before working with Erin, I felt lonely, afraid, anxious, & stuck. I had been already doing a lot of work on myself through therapy & men’s work and I was starting to doubt if it was having any tangible impact on my life. 

I was ready for a different life. 

As a divorced father of 3 kids, I really hadn’t had any conscious awareness of the impact that my upbringing and parents’ addiction had on molding me into the man I had become. 

It’s always been difficult for me to let people in and I hadn’t realized that this was an unconscious coping mechanism that I had learned as a kid to protect my heart & keep it safe. 

This way of being was no longer serving me. Rather it was stopping me from getting what I truly desired – a deep sense of love & connection in all aspects of my life.

I learned that my intense inner critic & people-pleasing tendencies were also just a mask that I wore in order to get my need for love met. And these learned behaviors were not only impacting my personal life but also how I showed up in my business. 

Thanks to my work with Erin, I am more confident, authentic, and REAL. I feel much more at ease and comfortable with myself. 

I understand that my emotions have meaning behind them and it’s okay to allow and feel them. I don’t shrink myself like I used to and I reframe from telling people simply what I think they want to hear. I'm not as self-critical and I know that I am not my thoughts and I am able to create space between them and my truth. 

I give myself permission to have fun for the pure sake of joy and I greet myself with a level of love and compassion that I had not known before. 

Today, I feel light in my body – I am okay with who I am. That’s TRUE peace

If someone was considering working with Erin, I would tell them that if they want to make HUGE gains, to take the leap. In a short period of time, we uncovered & transformed A LOT, more than I had in my healing work previously.  

It was beyond worth the investment of my time, energy, & money. 

Today, I feel at ease, and no one can take that from me. Erin, thank you. 

Marc Griffin


Before working with Erin, I felt depressed & stuck – unable to move forward & take bold action in my life. I was struggling with my sense of value & worth, often feeling like a failure & punished myself through a relentless cycle of shame & guilt.


I was sick & tired of playing it small and fantasizing about the life I wanted to create & desired to ACTUALLY take the steps to create it.

What I desired most was to be free from sitting, watching, & avoiding, I yearned to get and STAY moving, without fear or dread.

Working with Erin was really the first time that I REALLY invested deeply in myself and took bold action to say YES to me.


Taking that first step was key to committing to myself, to say ‘I am going to take a stand for & VALUE me’.


That decision was the catalyst that invited me to shift out of being the victim & into being the captain of my own ship. I realized the happiness I desired didn’t have to stay on the horizon as something that was far off in the distance, rather, I can choose my happiness NOW.

Today, I KNOW in the depth of my soul that I am worth it, I am worth saying YES to and I know how truly fucking awesome I am.


Today, my life EXCITES me. I fill my days with experiences that light my soul on fire and have me screaming ‘FUCK YES’. I can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning.


I’m the most important person in my life right now and that is HUGE. I have myself today, I won’t abandon me, rather I am committed to loving myself, being gentle, kind, & compassionate with the parts of me that need it most. I know deep in my heart & soul, that I’m worth it.  THANK YOU.

Brian Kauffman


Before working with Erin, I was miserable, afraid of myself, and didn’t feel equipped to look at the barriers, blocks, & beliefs, that were truly holding me back. I was trapped by my insecurities, deep down feeling not capable or good enough. 

The walls I had built to keep myself isolated, protected, comfortable, & safe were no longer serving me.  I was screaming on the inside to break free. 

Today, I trust in life, God, & in myself. 

I am confident, sturdy, & self-assured. My perspective has been renewed – rather than viewing the world through a lens of darkness, I see it through the lens of light. 

I push myself beyond my perceived limits, stretch myself beyond my comfort zones, & attack things with an attitude of “I can”, rather than “I can’t”. 

I’ve stacked up this well of proof that I AM capable. 

And what I’ve found on the other side of pushing through my boundaries is what I’ve wanted my whole life – real, deep, intimate, authentic connections with people, love, & a feeling of aliveness & resonance within myself. 

I’ve realized that the key ingredient to it ALL is me showing up as me, and I’m so grateful that this process has enabled me to find the courage to push through my edges SOBER so I can truly soar. 

Today, I am present in my body, & have a strong hunger & desire to BE HERE, & experience the fullness & aliveness of life, art, expression, & connections. 

I no longer desire to escape. 

I desire to FEEL everything & recognize my innate sensitivity & ability to feel as a gift that can be channeled into art, creativity, & expression. For the first time, I have a real desire to use my voice & have it be heard & to face conflicts head-on. 

I feel like a different person. I am whole again.

Erin guided me to places that I didn’t even imagine were possible. She holds beautiful space for you to go inward & I felt extremely safe to drop in, express, move, & allow whatever wanted to come to the surface to move up & out to do just that. 

If you are ready, open, & willing to do the work, this is for you. This experience has been beyond transformative. 

My advice would be don’t have expectations on what you think is going to happen or what you think is possible because what actually happens is beyond what your mind could ever come up with. The more open & surrendered you are, the more you will get from this experience. 

Erin, thank you. I didn’t know what I didn’t know & now I know what I know, & I’m stoked about it! I am BECOMING more and more of ME.

Keep doing your thing, it works, & it’s beautiful. We need more embodied, liberated people on this planet, & you are truly liberating one person at a time. You ARE changing the world.

Paulina Osorio 


Before working with Erin, I felt really stuck with where I was in life.

My life revolved around work, tending to my mom’s needs, & taking care of a house that was too much to handle. I struggled with even recognizing my own needs. Putting them at the bottom of my to-do. 

Every session was a deep dive into the nooks & crannies where the sadness, anger, fear of abandonment, & guilt lived. Where all of the responsibilities I had given myself fulfilled some kind of love I was seeking outside myself. 

I came to learn that even though I did not have my needs met in the way I needed them,I now have the power & the choice to fulfill them myself. The power to heal the part of me that was seeking love from everyone but myself. I have always had that power & it was about time that I remembered I am truly the only one responsible for living my life.

Thanks to my work with Erin, the connection with myself that was cultivated has been so nourishing & healing to my 💗 & soul. 


Today, I have me:

I am unapologetically myself, remembering my power, listening to my inner knowing, loving myself unconditionally & giving myself grace

I now have better boundaries. Protecting my energy & goals. Sticking to the plans I have made for my future & respectfully putting down the responsibilities that are not mine to manage. I can actually live my life without the constant worry of displeasing someone. 

I have created better practices of slowing down, resting, pausing & listening.  I have an overall higher level of gratitude for everything that is & can simultaneously be in the discomfort of a situation & experience inner peace. As I continue to slow down, my intuition is that much more attuned to the flow of life. 

I am excited to continue this path forward with the tools cultivated during our time together.

Every day is a new chance to continue the process of feeling & healing.


Erin, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

Maddie Wilson


Before I met with Erin I was lost. I felt nervous all of the time and I couldn’t get a grip on how to get rid of it. Additionally, I was fighting with my wife & parents and wasn’t showing up the way I wanted to as a father to my daughter. I wasn’t me anymore & did not like the person I had become. 

As a result of Erin’s coaching, I have significantly more patience. My nerves are nowhere near the way they were. I now understand the reasons for the triggers in my life. Though not fully gone, I understand how to work through them & feel more confident to take on my days. 

I do everything that I can to meet my own needs consistently. I have learned to put myself first to ensure that my cup is full before giving to others. 

I have also learned that in trying moments of my life, I need to look deep within me to understand what my inner child needs. I understand that I am safe within myself & that I can’t control anything but me. 

 I really enjoyed working with Erin & the depth at which she explored the challenges & blocks that I brought to her each week. 

Uncovering things from my past & piecing together how they impacted my life today in a way that I never realized was a highlight of our time together.

I feel that I come to all situations with a better light & vision than I did in the past.


If someone was considering a coaching program with Erin, I would tell them to jump in & not to be afraid. Truthfully, invest in yourself & don’t hold back. As a result of doing just that, today, I have a renewed sense of freedom to be myself & I make decisions that align to my own true desires & feel good.

Erin, thank you!

Anthony Politi


I have contemplated working with Erin for months before connecting with her. There was definitely a pull factor from her energy and that I feel is what is special about Erin. There was this deep awareness that she would understand me and help me transform.

Before working with Erin, I had the inner knowing that I had so much to offer yet there was this yardstick between where I was and where I wanted to be.


As an overachiever, I realized that sometimes I wasn’t my best supporter. I was too focused on the doing rather than receiving. I was committed to not acknowledging my achievements and diminishing my self-worth. All very contradictory and confusing, but Erin made it all very clear.


Most importantly she helped unlock the roots of my habits. Through sessions with Erin, we delved deep into my past and some trigger moments. The sessions were not about enriching my career anymore but about living my best life.

Erin is awesome at celebrating small and big moments with you. She pushes you to take a step back and really connect with your being. Her highly sensitive nature adds a layer of deep connection that is so rare these days. I felt she was rooting for me every step of the way and challenging me where I needed to be challenged.


Was the journey easy? Hell no! 😊  After tears of pain and of joy, I feel that I now am able to truly blossom. Old habits die hard but I am aware of when I need to just ”be“. That is the key to everything.

Erin is committed to the journey and shows genuine care. She is generous with her time and helps you see life in many facets. I now celebrate my wins more. I have more clarity and I am more assertive.

She is great at understanding who you are as a human and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to make profound changes in their life and take their place in the world.

Thank you Erin.

Yacine Gaye


I have always been deeply skeptical of anything that feels like “life coaching.” There’s something about the industry, as a whole, that’s made me feel like it’s just this bullshit healing Ponzi scheme or something.

It was only because someone really important in my life, who’d previously worked with Erin, strongly suggested I send her a DM & that is the only reason why I even considered it. I’m eternally grateful for that push; it has altered the trajectory of my life. 


The kindest thing I can say about Erin is that I genuinely have no idea what she does. Over and over, I’ve gone to sessions and said things I never thought I could say out loud, baffled that I felt safe enough to go there. She has got a real gift for guidance and an intuitive sense of where to go next.


Her presence in my life has felt like nothing short of a miracle.


She pushed me to trust the container that she set and has guided me to shadow-y places in my psyche and life that years of therapy have not taken me to. She pushed me into facing everything I’ve been avoiding, and the things I’ve struggled with for years - workaholism, gender expression, love - have all seemed to surface and dissipate


If that’s not a testimony of the magic of Erin’s work, I’m not sure what is. Erin has absolutely converted the skeptic in me, and I’d whole-heartedly suggest her coaching to anyone who already feels like they’ve tried it all.


Like the ideas and visions are present, but something is holding you back from bringing them to life. If you’re open to the work, it’ll be one of the hardest, most confusing, and simultaneously most freeing things you’ve ever done.


If you feel the call, answer it. Trust the converted skeptic in me.

Kate Ward


Before I started working with Erin, I was at a plateau. I was very closed off, paralyzed by fear. 

My biggest struggles & challenges were being my true, authentic self: trusting my choices & decisions within, comparing myself to others & being hard on myself, & overall, just not loving all parts that made me, me

Erin’s coaching container was a lifesaver & true life changer. 

My whole outlook is more positive. I’m living more in the present moment.  I know my worth. I took my power back and am living for me. I love myself more & have been taking care of me. 

What I liked most was connecting with my inner child & becoming whole again. I remembered what it felt like to feel trust within myself & not feel so disconnected. I even felt some deep emotions & cried, and I haven’t cried in years. 

It was a profound & beautiful experience. I am truly grateful for us connecting & me taking the leap of faith to trust you & the process. You have helped me through so much. 

If you are considering working with Erin, know this is a life-changing opportunity. 

Don’t let your fear hold you back if you are being CALLED to something MORE.


Erin, thank you for your service & all that you do. 

Greg Procopio


I can't express enough gratitude for the life-changing journey I embarked on with Erin.

Working with her has been an incredible experience, transforming my life in ways I never thought possible.

Before I began my sessions with Erin, I felt lost and overwhelmed. But, with her guidance, I gained clarity and direction.

She helped me set meaningful goals and provided unwavering support every step of the way.

Erin possesses an incredible ability to listen deeply, understand my unique challenges, and offer valuable insights and strategies that have empowered me to overcome obstacles and achieve my dreams.

She is not just a coach but a mentor, motivator, and true partner in personal growth.

Through Erin's guidance, I've achieved my professional goals and found a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in my personal life.

I not only magnetized a job offer & compensation package that reflects my value & worth, but also a role that beyond excites me & provides me the opportunity to create real, tangible impact.

I've learned valuable skills to gain self-awareness, resilience, and effective communication that I will carry with me for a lifetime.

If you're seeking positive transformation, I wholeheartedly recommend Erin.

She is a skilled coach and a compassionate and inspiring individual who will guide you on a journey to become the best version of yourself.

My life is forever changed thanks to her, and I couldn't be more grateful for her incredible impact on my life.

Joanna Konstantino

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